Månstruken Moonstruck

Work-in-progress! A new chamber opera is on its way. We welcome you to an open rehearsal and conversations around the process of the work so far. What is going on with our Moon? The one that seduced Pierrot, the one we have projected our dreams, yearnings and passions onto. What has gone down since the magic was lost that fatal day back in 1969? A slippage for mankind?

Music: Magnus Bunnskog
Libretto: Anne Pajunen

Sunday March 3, at 4 pm
Free admission

Uusi Teatteri, Västmannagatan 56, Stockholm

Anne Pajunen, voice/electronics
Åsa Karlberg, alto/bass flute
Elsbeth Berg, viola
Louise Agnani, cello
Boa Pettersson, contra bass clarinet
Stefan Lindgren, piano
Mattias Hållsten, sound engineer

Illustration by Tomas Jönsson

With support from
Swedish Arts Council and Swedish Arts Grants Committee